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Paper Mockups Bundle
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Presentation video
Exported Gif Animation
System requirements
Adobe Photoshop CS4+
6000 x 4500
Product files
High-resolution photos of hand holding different presentation paper, retouched and turned into a customizable design mockup.
Product includes
26 psds with customizable papers design;
4 jpg textures;
instructions.txt (with links to video-tutorials);
Editable elements
papers texture;
papers design;
background filter;
Mockups here
business card horizontal
business card vertical
business card with rounded corners
dl flyer
dl brochure two fold
dl brochure two fold cover
dl brochure two fold back side
a5 flyer
brochure a5 two fold
brochure a5 two fold back side
envelope front side
envelope opened with flyer
envelope opened with postcard
clipboard signing
document a4
document a4 signing
document a4 signing last page
poster a3
poster a3 folded
magazine cover
magazine opened
book paper cover
book hard cover black
book half title
book spread
Animation features
Animation types
Save animation as
animated gif;
mp4 video;
jpg, png sequence;
Patterns and textures used in previews are not included in product.
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Product tags
a3, a4, a5, affiche, agreement, album, arm, background, black, blank, book, booklet, brand, broadsheet, brochure, bundle, business, businessman, call, card, cardboard, check, clean, clear, clipboard, company, contract, copy, cover, craft, design, diary, display, dl, document, empty, envelope, first, flier, flyer, folded, front, gray, greeting, grey, hand, hard, hardcover, hold, holder, holding, id, invitation, isolated, journal, kraft, leaflet, ledger, legal, letter, logo, mag, magazine, mail, male, man, message, mock, mock-up, mockup, name, namecard, news, newspaper, notebook, office, offset, open, opened, page, pamphlet, paper, paperback, paperwork, pasteboard, person, placard, plain, portfolio, post, postcard, poster, presentation, print, promote, promoter, promotion, pure, read, sample, scroll, shadow, sheet, show, showing, sign, sketch, soft, softcover, space, spread, surface, tabloid, template, text, texture, two, twofold, up, vertical, view, vintage, visit, white, write, writing