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Food & Drinks Packaging Mockup Set

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Presentation video

Exported Gif Animation

System requirements

Adobe Photoshop CS6+


2800 x 2800, 1600 x 1100

Product files





High-resolution photos of pizza box, delivery man and candy bar packaging turned into layered design mockup.

Includes 3D rendered rotating soda can, clean and with water drops.

Product includes

  • 2 psd with candy bar;

  • 2 psd with 12 mockups of pizza box;

  • 8 psd with soda can (4 animated and 4 static mockups);

  • instructions.txt (with links to video-tutorials);

Editable elements

  • box color and design;

  • box window;

  • delivery man uniform color;

  • can color and design;

  • candybar color and design;

  • background design;

Animation features

Animation types

Save animation as

  • animated gif;

  • mp4 video;

  • jpg, png sequence;


  • Patterns and textures used in previews are not included in product;

  • Some distortions of the texture overlay and overlay shifting during animation are possible;

  • We recommend to follow the video instructions when you working with this mockup;

  • Make sure that you have enough space on the active scratch disk (more than 50 GB) and that the computer’s RAM isn’t currently occupied by other applications than Photoshop;

  • If you have the opportunity, use this mockups on a more powerful computer;

  • Opening PSD and export animation even on powerful computers, can take up to 15 minutes.

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Food & Drinks Packaging Mockup Set

Food & Drinks Packaging Mockup Set
Download for $8.99
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Product tags

above, aerated, alcohol, ale, alluminium, aluminium, aluminum, animated, animation, arm, back, background, bag, bake, bank, bar, beer, beer can, beverage, big, biscuit, blank, booze, box, boy, brand, branding, branding identity, bundle, can, candy, candybar, canned, cap, caramel, carbonated, carbonated water, cardboard, carton, case, chill, chocolate, clear, clipping, closed, cocktail, cola, cold, cold drink, condensate, confection, confectionery, container, cool, courier, delicious, deliver, delivery, design, display, drib, drink, dripping, drops, eat, empty, energy, fast, fizzy, fizzy pop, foil, food, fresh, front, frosty, frozen, gif, guy, hand, hat, heat, hold, hot, identity, isolated, italia, italian, job, label, liquid, live, logo, looped, lunch, male, malt, man, margherita, meal, men, metal, metallic, milk, mineral, mock, mock-up, mockup, new, nutrient, nutrition, nutritious, occupation, open, opened, order, pack, package, packaging, packet, packing, paper, pastry, path, people, pepperoni, person, pile, pizza, pizza box, pizza delivery, pizzeria, plastic, polyethylene, pop, pouch, presentation, print, product, restaurant, retail, rotating, sachet, set, shiny, shirt, shop, side, small, snack, soda, sparkling, square, stack, stainless, stand, steel, stick, sugar, sweet, take, tasty, template, tin, top, uniform, up, video, view, warm, water, watered, watery, wet, white, worker, wrap, wrapper


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